
I never thought I would understand
how or where did we get wrong.
It took me time to realize that as trivial matters piled us up,
things became profound that we did not notice we created walls.
Petty fights that we laughed at first became tedious.
Things became predictable
and in the blink of an eye, everything became dull.

I could not remember how it exactly happened, but the regular became sometimes,
and the happy talks and happy times were suddenly strange.
We can still stare at each other's eyes but we both see a doleful soul.
I did not say a word and so did you.
We were reluctant, but I know, we always knew.

Maybe, we were waiting for the right time
to utter the words that we never wanted to say
hoping that in the process
everything will go back to its old self.

Eventually, hopes were dashed and at that moment
I knew that we will just cross on each other's mind
when the rain falls hard
or maybe,
never again.

-M.A. Sanson

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